Demonstrate a commitment to safety and equality
We are present and active worldwide through our sales company, Central Park Shoes. We have developed an extensive code of conduct to ensure that our company philosophy is implemented by all our suppliers and contractual partners. This includes, among others:
Our suppliers are not allowed to employ children (minors under 16 years of age). The age of the employees must be verified and all health and occupational safety measures applicable to minors must be observed.
No discrimination or unequal treatment of employees based on their age, gender, origin, culture, religion, belief, maternity or marital status. This also applies to application and selection processes, salaries, bonuses, fixed-term contracts or retirement.
Suppliers must ensure that their working environment and methods comply with the locally applicable occupational safety legislation and that the respective safety measures are upheld.
All our suppliers are guided by local legislation to protect the environment in their area of activity. A feasible action plan must be drawn up to manage any environmentally relevant incidents.